paragliding yorkshire


Filey Site Guide


Paragliding at Filey


Grid Reference: TA12263 – 81485

Google Map Link: CLICK HERE

3 Word Location: "targeted.pothole.brightens" CLICK HERE

Wind Direction: SE – SSE

Height: Approximately 50m (150 ft) from cliff top to the beach

Site Description

Paragliding at Filey has mud and grass sloping cliffs with a flat grassy area on top (above the yacht club).

A gully to the right of take off provides interest for all abilities but care should be taken in stronger winds to avoid being blown into the gully.

Filey Brigg to the left provides a soarable bowl when the wind is off to the South. As long as it is not too strong.

Pilots also sometimes take off from the cliffs top the south of the gully. You will need to find a place to set up free of rotor.

1. Overview Map

2. Basic Information

Grade of Pilot - Suitable for all level of PG pilots with some soaring experience.

Access & Parking - Following signs for the North Cliff Country Park.

Pay at one of the ticket machines and follow road and track past the café and caravan site onto a large grassed car park.

Park behind log barriers on the cliff top.

3. Site Rules and Guidance

A) No flying directly over Coble or Cobble Landing at any time.**

B) No flying over Filey unless above 1500ft ASL 

C) No flying on Bank Holidays or any part of a weekend that is attached to a Bank Holiday.

D) Do not fly past the triangulation point*** on the cliff edge at Speeton (See Reighton Site Guide), unless you are 1000ft or 300m AMSL, for the same reason as (D)

** This is the first small road and pedestrian area shown on the map, approx 340m SSW of Filey Sailing Club.

Guidance and Information:

Paragliding at Filey is a very useful popular site but less used now due to Bridlington being the main Southeast site. In SSE winds it is possible to soar the Brigg at the northern end of the cliffs.

However, remember that this is a spine backed ridge with associated severe turbulence behind it. Do not fly the Brigg if you think you may have penetration problems, One look over the back of the Brigg will tell you why this is a “no go” area.

In SSE winds top landings are usually less turbulent and if flying on the Brigg you can come into land tracking over the top landing in the car park facing Filey seafront. During peak holiday times this site attracts large numbers of spectators and on the beach can be quite crowded. Please choose your bottom landings with care and remember that young children may run across your intended path without warning.

This site is renowned for its rotor, when flying a hang glider always keep a reserve of speed on landing. Top landings on paragliders can be quite technical in winds above 12/14 mph, and the safe landing area varies with wind strength and direction. If in doubt land on the beach, a short walk is always preferable to a ride in an ambulance!

Trees have recently been planted in the Hang Glider top landing area, which is going to render it unusable as the trees grow.

Thank you.

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The Cayley Club is designed to help new and existing pilots get the most from paragliding in Yorkshire and the surrounding coastal areas.