paragliding yorkshire

Millington Site Guide


Paragliding at Millington



Grid Reference: OS 1:50,000 – SE 834514

Google Map Link: CLICK HERE

Wind Direction: NW

Height: Take off is 200m (600')

Site Description

Paragliding at Millington from a shallow grassy inland ridge. It is tree covered to the South and the main slope has patches of gorse.

The North having restrictions due to power lines on the hillside and the Equestrian unit (allow a minimum of 1000 ft above take off before over-flying this farm.)

The site has a well deserved reputation for being turbulence but offers good cross country flying potential for the experienced paragliding pilot.

1. Overview Map

2. Basic Information

Grade of Pilot - ONLY Pilot rated or above. 

If you have not flown at Millington before, you MUST contact the chief coach first for details and WhatsApp group membership for this site.

Access & Parking - Park off the road on the wide verge in front of the wood and walk along the southern side of the strip of rough grass between the fields until you join the public footpath.

When you reach the fence, follow it to the left and down the wood side until you reach the double fence post where you will see the insulated top wire.

Lift the wire loop and temporarily remove the thinner post attached to the strand of barbed wire (with it’s wire loop) and step carefully over before replacing the post.

(Note: the landowner has placed an isolator for the electric fence in this location. If you turn it off to enter the field, make sure you turn it back on). If pilots are seen climbing the fence, permission to use the site WILL BE WITHDRAWN!

NOTE: Pilots can wait near the bench on the public footpath for space.

3. Site Rules and Guidance

Millington can now be flown again by those Club members who were previously Ok to fly there. For now there will be no formal signed agreement, or site fee. (Although the landowner would like us to assist with gorse removal in the springtime.)

The new owner wants to keep things pretty much as they were (for safety reasons). This means that:-

1. It is a members only site
2. Only pilot and above rated pilots permitted to fly.
3 New 'Pilot level' qualified members must satisfy the chief Coach that they have made cross country flights, and that he feels their level is such that they can fly at this site.
4. The land owner must be contacted (message) each flying day to check that he is happy for us to fly there on that particular day.
Nb. To prevent him getting numerous messages, a What's App group will be set up for those pilots cleared to fly there. Once the first caller has gained permission they should notify the group so nobody else messages the landowner.
5. Do not climb the fences, use the designated entry to the field.
6. No low flying (min 750ft above takeoff) over the horses in the field and farm to the Northern side (right as you're looking out) of the take off area.
7. Access through Mr Bird's fields as previously arranged.
8. There is no designated bottom landing field. Only the slope previously used.
9. Advisable to Notam the night before planning to fly. ( again, if you've done it please notify the group.)
10. If soaring conditions deteriorate, please land quickly to make it easier for others to land. Particularly if someone is coming in low over the trees to the South West of take off.
11. It is essential that pilots have fully mastered slope landings .

Guidance and Information:

When paragliding at Millington, pilots will need to be very competent in all aspects of flying. Hence the requirement for pilot level.

Pilots should satisfy themselves that they are in the best area for taking of depending on wind conditions. Good slope landing techniques are essential as there is no top landing. There is a restricted bottom landing at the foot of the main slope.

A combination of stronger winds and thermal activity can cause extreme turbulence. Gliders have frequently been seen to suddenly drop several meters (dangerous if flying at low levels).

Pilots must keep a good look-out and be prepared to land early to allow other pilots who may be low to make a slope landing.

Pilots should NOTAM before flying midweek.

There are many hazards, trees, gorse, rabbit holes, power lines, fences etc, however flights in excess of 70km are possible for the experienced x/c pilot.  Paragliding is fun at Millington but is a sensitive site and we need to respect the landowners.

Thank you.

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The Cayley Club is designed to help new and existing pilots get the most from paragliding in Yorkshire and the surrounding coastal areas.