Meet The Coaches

Graham McAnany

Graham began paragliding in 2017, qualifying with Active Edge in the Dales.

After joining the Dales club in 2018, he started to increase his time in the air, whilst working towards his Pilot rating and completed his first SIV course in Annecy in Sept 2019.

He joined the Sir George Cayley Paragliding Club in 2020 and is most likely to be seen flying in the Dales, North York Moors & the Lake District.

Richard Penny

Richard made his decision to start paragliding whilst on a driving holiday through Switzerland. In 2017 Richard decided to qualify as a Club Pilot by completing a 10-day course back in Switzerland.

Richard enjoys both coastal and hill soaring as well as the occasional XC flight.

In 2019 he increased his paragliding rating to that of Pilot and more recently qualified as Coach for the Cayley Club. Richard is currently the club’s Chairman.

Geoff Moses

Geoff learnt to fly over 30 years ago; starting with Hang gliding in 1986, paramotoring in the late 2000s and then Paragliding in 2013.

He understands first-hand the importance having someone to help you get past the difficult first 20-30 flying hours;

Geoff is Pilot rated and to date, he has flown over 1,000 hours.

Geoff is a Paragliding and Hang gliding Coach for the Cayley Club and Paragliding coach for the Derbyshire Soaring Club.

Jason Perry

Jason learnt to paraglide in 2019 in Spain.

He joined the Dales, Lakes, North Yorkshire and Cayley clubs and was lucky to meet many coaches.

Within 18 months he had flown at sites all over the north of England, earned his Pilot rating and become a paragliding Coach.

His favourite flying sites are anywhere in the Lakes but he can be found on any site with a favourable forecast.

Richard Shirt

Richard began paragliding in 2002 and after qualifying joined the Cayley & Dales clubs.

Richard travelled all over Scotland, England and Wales and became a coach in 2003/4.

He went on to earn his Pilot rating, logging over 700 hours to date.

Richard is most likely to be found flying at Millington, Bridlington and the sites along the East Yorkshire coastline.